Over the past months, WhatsApp users have witnessed many advanced features on the app. As many are aware, WhatsApp allowed users to share their status on Facebook, now it will include Instagram as an option of sharing status via Meta platforms. The purpose of this integration is to make it easier for users to share the same content across all three platforms – Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram.
This was sourced from a WABetaInfo report, claiming WhatsApp is developing a feature to integrate the direct sharing of Whatsapp status to Instagram. Also, WhatsApp users will remain in control of who sees their content by choosing so through the Instagram story audience settings.
WhatsApp allowed the sharing of statuses on Facebook back in 2021 for obvious reasons such as time-saving, to save users the effort of reposting the same updates manually across Meta platforms. Now that Instagram has been added as an avenue of sharing on WhatsApp status, it even saves more time. The only worry here is that the advanced features of Instagram’s story creation tools which aren’t available on WhatsApp, may make stories shared from Instagram to WhatsApp look not as good as they appeared on Instagram.
Sharing Whatsapp status with Facebook
If you want to share your status on your Facebook story, you can. WhatsApp gives you full control to select the status you want to share and the audience that can view them. To share WhatsApp status to Facebook story, you need to connect your account to Whatsapp, this way, it will receive your Facebook account details such as profile photo and name in order for you to connect your account. For now the feature is available on WhatsApp messenger for Android and iOS and may be extended to Whatsapp business too.
Here’s how to enable WhatsApp status sharing to your Facebook story:
Step 1: Go to Settings > Privacy > Status
Step 2: Under Share my status update across my accounts, tap Facebook to add your account.
Step 3: On the on-prompt instruction screen, tap Get started to proceed
Step 4: If your WhatsApp number was used in creating your Facebook account, the account will appear for you to log in and confirm.
How to share WhatsApp status to Facebook
When you share your WhatsApp status to your Facebook story, it will use your existing story privacy settings on Facebook and will appear in the same places on Facebook as it would when directly posting a story to Facebook. Your story privacy settings has to do with the people who has the right to view your story being it your Facebook friends, everyone(public) or those whom you select to view your story (custom).
After enabling WhatsApp status sharing, follow the steps in sharing your WhatsApp status with Facebook:
Step 1: Hit the Updates tab to create a new status.
Step 2: Upload a status and you will see a share indicator just beneath the status.
Step 3: Tap on the share indicator and hit share to upload your story with your Facebook audience.
Keep in mind that when you share your status on your Facebook story, nothing will indicate that it was shared from WhatsApp. On the other side, WhatsApp will indicate a small Facebook icon beneath the status you shared showing that it was shared with Facebook. If you prefer the automatic sharing of status to Facebook, you can enable that too. Go to Settings > Privacy > Status > Facebook and check the toggle button. You can find the Disable status sharing to Facebook button there too in case you want to disable it.
Sharing Facebook Story On Instagram and vice versa
To start sharing your stories on Facebook and Instagram, you will need to connect your account to each other. First connect your Instagram account to Facebook or your Facebook account to Instagram any how you want it. Once your accounts are connected, you can easily share your stories across both platforms with just a click.
Let’s look at how you can add your Instagram account to your Facebook:
Step 1: Go to your Settings page on Facebook
Step 2: Tap on Meta Accounts Center
Step 3: Scroll down and click Accounts
Step 4: Now, tap Add accounts to add your Instagram account
In case you prefer adding your Facebook account rather to Instagram, you can follow the above steps. Otherwise, your accounts will be automatically connected on both platforms once you have already added them on a single platform.
Here’s how you can add your Facebook account to your Instagram:
Step 1: Head to the settings page on your Instagram account
Step 2: Under your account, click Accounts Center
Step 3: Scroll down and click Accounts
Step 4: Tap Add accounts to add your Facebook account
All is set! Both accounts have been connected. Now let’s see how we can start sharing our stories with our audience on Facebook and Instagram.
ALSO READ: How to create a whatsapp call link
How to share Facebook stories on Instagram
In as much as you can share you Facebook stories to Instagram, not every story type can be shared. That’s according to Meta but you still share text,music, image, selfie and boomerang stories.
Here’s how you can share your Facebook stories to Instagram:
Step 1: Tap Create story and create a story
Step 2: Tap Privacy at the left bottom
Step 3: Scroll down and turn on Always Share to Instagram. Your IG account will appear if you’ve already added it. If you’ve not, you can add it right from there
Step 4: Move back and hit the share button to share your story on Facebook and Instagram
How to share Instagram stories on Facebook
Instagram allows you to share stories to Facebook where you have the option to share once for a particular story or enable share always for your future stories. A feature unavailable on Facebook and may be available in future updates.
Here’s how you can share your Instagram stories to Facebook:
Step 1: Create a story and tap the right arrow button
Step 2: Tap on Sharing options and click Share Once. This option will only share the story you are about to share
Step 3: Tap the Share button to share your story and it will appear on Instagram and Facebook
To automatically share your story, Go to Settings & Privacy > Sharing and remixes and enable Share story to Facebook. Afterwards, any story you create will be shared on Facebook automatically.